Week of 22JUL19
PREPEmphasis: Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes4m Flow3 Rounds of:– 25-50 Calf Raises– 15-30 Tempo RDLs– 10 KB Swings MondayModerate Strength (Heavy Press, Single-leg DL)Moderate Endurance (GRIND15)Chassis Integrity
PREPEmphasis: Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes4m Flow3 Rounds of:– 25-50 Calf Raises– 15-30 Tempo RDLs– 10 KB Swings MondayModerate Strength (Heavy Press, Single-leg DL)Moderate Endurance (GRIND15)Chassis Integrity
Emphasis: Shoulder Stability Prep– 5m Flow3 Rounds of:– 60 Crawl– 2x5ct Arm Bar– 25 Pec PressSadist Circles Monday15m Skill: Get-UpsEndurance IntervalsChassis Integrity (Short Grind) TuesdayPrehabTabatasPower
Get stronger by connecting to your body. What does it mean to feel strength? When you see someone who you would call strong, what do
Having worked with runners and cyclists for over a decade, I’ve been reminded time and time again: they’d rather run and ride or swim or
Emphasis: Pecs and Overhead Stability Prep:5m Flow3 Rounds– 60 Crawl (Crab, Low, Bear)– 120′ Pec Forward Press and Walk– 10 Ball Slams MondayModerate Strength (Seated
PURPOSE & PRIORITY: 360 Abdominals PREP 3m Flow3m Ball Breathing3 Rounds– 60′ Nasal Crawl– 30s Floating Table– 10 Hollow Rocks MondayLong Strength (Hinge, Pull, Carry),