Programming: Week of 06AUG2018

This week’s warm-up:

2 Rounds of: 10 swings, 5 goblet squats (pry on 5th), 2×3/3 half-kneeling haloes, 30s oblique opener


Power Intervals: 4x4x20/40/60 of a) Down and Ups; b) Kettlebell Swings; c) Renegade Rows; d) Ball Slams


EMOM18 of a) 5 cal Ski or 8 cal Row; b) 18 Step-Ups #; c) 6 Sandbag Clean and Press


Tabatas: 4x8x20/10/60 of a) OH Plate Walking Lunges; b) Plate Flutter Kicks; c) Row or Ski; d) Plank Hold


Endurance Intervals 8x2x45/15/60 of: a) Jump Lunges; b) Heavy Farmers Carry


Steady State 3x3x2m of a) 1 Down-and-Up and 60′ Sprint; b) 1 Down-and-Up and 5 Step-Ups; c) 1 Down-and-Up and 3 Clean and Press