Programming: Week of 27AUG2018
Michael’s note: First, I promised Ron that we’d do Sadist Circles every day this week. So enjoy that, and you know who to thank. Second,
MIchael is the head coach at wasatch fitness academy.
He teaches yoga. And running. And strength & Conditioning. ANd mentors coaches. And runs the show.
more notably, he’s on his own fitness journey towards a lifetime of health so he can ski for another 60 years. And his life’s work (for the moment) is to build the ultimate place for individuals of all stripes to get healthier and fitter, through programs that address the whole person.
Michael’s note: First, I promised Ron that we’d do Sadist Circles every day this week. So enjoy that, and you know who to thank. Second,
Warm-Up for the Week 5m: Mobility Flow 10m: 2 rounds Kettlebell Complex 10 Swings, 5 Squats 5/5 Straddle-Sit Haloes 5 Staddle-Sit Crush Presses 1 Prying
Dynamic Warm-Up Two rounds: 10 Swings and 5 Squats, 30s Oblique Opener, 5+5 Tall Kneeling Haloes, 30s OVC Hollow Hold Monday Endurance Intervals 4x4x45/15/60, of a)
Context: This is a 6-week program, broken into two phases of three weeks each, and intended to be executed three times per week. The goal
This week’s warm-up: 2 Rounds of: 10 swings, 5 goblet squats (pry on 5th), 2×3/3 half-kneeling haloes, 30s oblique opener Monday Power Intervals: 4x4x20/40/60 of a) Down
Prep: 30m Cap 5m Flow 5m Crawl Practice 10×10+1, 1H preferred, plus Mobility Strength: 30m Cap Prehab: 2 rounds, monster walk, tempo band squats, pullovers