Are you a CrossFit gym?

Are you a CrossFit gym?

This is a two-part question, and the answer to both parts is no – but we have a lot of respect for CrossFit, and the no is a qualified one.

  1. We are not a CrossFit affiliate, which means that we aren’t listed on the CrossFit Mainsite page, and we don’t use CrossFit’s name in our marketing.
  2. We do not strictly follow the CrossFit programming or exercise selection methodology.

But, we do owe a lot to CrossFit. Attending classes at a CrossFit gym in DC was Michael’s first exposure to high intensity training with weights, and his time in various CrossFit gyms has greatly informed the way he programs for Wasatch Fitness Academy.

Here’s how we are like CrossFit:

  1. We practice high-intensity exercises for the sake of getting results and forcing the body and mind to adapt.
  2. We use a wide variety of exercises and tools to force adaptations.
  3. We value community greatly.

And here’s how we’re different:

  1. We periodize on monthly, weekly, and daily cycles to ensure we are evenly building all necessary systems.
  2. We prioritize low-risk exercises for our high-intensity work, and expect quality before intensity.
  3. We train with accessory movements to plug holes, such as asymmetries, and past and potential injury areas.
  4. We don’t compete against each other; we compete against the clock, and against our past results.

Many people get great results from their experiences in CrossFit gyms, and in other gyms as well – and we appreciate what CrossFit has given us as a launching-off point. We aim to support individuals in evolving into the next/best version of themselves – and to do that we meet people where they are, and help them to take the appropriate steps to move forward smartly, efficiently, and with the smallest possible risk of injury.
