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Michael Krushinsky

MIchael is the head coach at wasatch fitness academy. 

He teaches yoga. And running. And strength & Conditioning. ANd mentors coaches. And runs the show.

more notably, he’s on his own fitness journey towards a lifetime of health so he can ski for another 60 years. And his life’s work (for the moment) is to build the ultimate place for individuals of all stripes to get healthier and fitter, through programs that address the whole person.

Program Week of 30DEC19

PREP: 10m Coach’s Discretion MONDAY (Long Strength – Push, Carry, Hinge; Endurance Grind) Strength CAP20 6 Rounds of 10 Double Seated Military Press 120′ HDSB

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Week of 23DEC19

PREP: Coach’s Choice 10m MONDAY: Short Strength, Endurance Intervals, Chassis Integrity Sadist Circles 3m Strength RFQ12 Nasal-Only 5/5 Seated Seesaw Presses 120′ HDSB Carry 20

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Week of 16DEC19

PREP: 10m, Coach’s Discretion MONDAY: Long Strength, BTQ Strength CAP30 5 Rounds of 12-15 Double Floor Presses 8 Heavy Goblet Squats 20 Pullaparts and 10

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PowderStrong P2 W6

PREP5m Flow3 Rounds– 20 Deadbugs (Unloaded)– 20 Calf Raises (Loaded)– 20 Dimmel Deadlifts (Loaded) DAY 1 (Monday and Tuesday) Strength I RFQ15 8/8 Single-Leg Deadlifts

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Programming Week of 09DEC19

Prep: 10m, Coach’s Discretion MONDAY: Short Strength, EMOM, Chassis Integrity Grind Strength RFQ12 5/5 Standing Seesaw Presses 5/5 Alternating Rear Lunges 20 Band Pullaparts EMOM15

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