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Michael Krushinsky

MIchael is the head coach at wasatch fitness academy. 

He teaches yoga. And running. And strength & Conditioning. ANd mentors coaches. And runs the show.

more notably, he’s on his own fitness journey towards a lifetime of health so he can ski for another 60 years. And his life’s work (for the moment) is to build the ultimate place for individuals of all stripes to get healthier and fitter, through programs that address the whole person.

Monday 8Jan2018

A: prep Flow Crawl 3 rounds of 10+1, 5/5 haloes, 5/5 bottoms up presses B: strength EMOM20, alternating 5 front squats 5 see saw presses

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Thursday 04JAN18

A) Prep Flow and crawl 3 rounds 10+1 swing and squat 5+5 haloes 5+5 bottoms up presses B) Intervals (Anaerobic Lactic) 4x 3x 30s15s Sandbag

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Wednesday 03JAN18

A) Prep Flow Bear, monkey, frog PVC pulses and rotations B) Strength Warm-Up 10 goblet squats 10 crush curls 10 crush presses C) Strength 12m

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Tuesday 02JAN18

A) Prep Flow Bear, frog, monkey PVC pulses and rotations B) Strength RFQ15 12 Romanian Deadlifts 12 Double bent over rows C) Intervals (Anaerobic Alactic)

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Tuesday 26DEC17

Prep Flow, Walking Lunges, PVC pulses, goblet squats, seated presses Strength Sled pull Single leg deadlift TRX rows Work Capacity (intervals) 5×10/40 jump squat rope

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