5m Flow
2 x 60′ Crawl (Twisted Lizard, Monkey)
3 Rounds:
– 10 Swings, 5 Squats, 3/3 Haloes
Sadist Circles
MONDAY: Moderate Strength (Hinge, Carry, Ground Work), Endurance Intervals, Ab Isolation
Strength RFQ15
- 8 Double KB Deadlifts -> 120′ Farmers Carry
- 20 SBall Deadbugs
- 8/8 Single-Leg Step-Ups
Endurance Intervals 24m + 2m Brief
- 6x3x50/10+1
- LDSB Clean & Press
- Down & Ups
- Sandbag Step-Ups
Ab Isolation (6m + 2m Brief)
- 2x3x45/15
- Hollow
- Left Side Plank
- Right Side Plank
TUESDAY (WLM): Adjust prep and endurance intervals as appropriate
WEDNESDAY: Long Strength (Push, Pull, Squat), BTQ
Strength RFQ25
A: 4-6 Rounds, 18m Max
- 20 Double Military Presses (may push press after rep 10)
- 20 Pull Aparts
- 20 Squats (Choice of load; Priority: controlled N2N breathing)
B. Remaining time, rounds of:
- 8/8 Zane Rows
- 60′ Double Overhead Carry
BTQ (Burn the Questions, INTENSITY)
- 10m Race, Rounds for Time
- 100 Rope Jumps
- 20 Ball Slams
- 10 Jump Squats
THURSDAY (WLM): Adjust prep and BTQ as appropriate. Ensure adequate intensity in BTQ.
FRIDAY: Short strength (Carries and ground work), Lactate Intervals, Chassis Integrity Grind
Strength RFQ12
- Max Effort Carry, N2N Breathing, Farmer’s or HDSB
- Every break, 60′ crawl
Lactate Intervals
- 12x2x30/30
- Two exercises of each athlete’s choice
Coach’s note: Athletes can be staggered to share a single piece of equipment by changing timing to 48×30/5, bringing rest to 40s.
Chassis Integrity GRIND15
- GRIND: move quickly but not frantically
- 20 Plank Pulls
- 50 Flutter Kicks
- Founder Lunge 20s/20s
- 5/5 Slasher-to-Halo