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Tuesday 12SEP17

Emphasis: Push, Squat, Carry, Endurance A) Prep 5m Flow/Crawl 3 rounds: 10 banded good mornings, 1m goblet squat, 1 shoulder blaster B) 20m RFQ 10

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Monday 11SEP17

Emphasis: Push, Pull, Hinge, Carry, Work Capacity, Chassis Integrity A) Prep Flow 3 rounds of 20 swings; 30′ crawl; 3/3 haloes B) 20m RFQ 3/3

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Wednesday 06SEP17

Emphasis: Pull, Squat, Hinge, Carry, Endurance A) Prep Swings Squats Arm Bars B) RFQ20 3-5 pullups (scale: 10 TRX rows w 1s hold and 3s

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Tuesday 05SEP2017

Emphasis: Push, Pull, Hinge, Ground, Work Capacity A) Prep B) RFQ15 5 double bridge floor presses 10 scap pull ups 10 deadbugs and 10 birddogs

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Monday 04SEP2017

Happy Labor Day! Plus, it’s Michael’s half birthday. So it’s going to be a fun one! A) Prep B) 15m, Alternating Partner Complex (A/B pairs)

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