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Wednesday 03JAN18

A) Prep Flow Bear, monkey, frog PVC pulses and rotations B) Strength Warm-Up 10 goblet squats 10 crush curls 10 crush presses C) Strength 12m

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Tuesday 02JAN18

A) Prep Flow Bear, frog, monkey PVC pulses and rotations B) Strength RFQ15 12 Romanian Deadlifts 12 Double bent over rows C) Intervals (Anaerobic Alactic)

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Tuesday 26DEC17

Prep Flow, Walking Lunges, PVC pulses, goblet squats, seated presses Strength Sled pull Single leg deadlift TRX rows Work Capacity (intervals) 5×10/40 jump squat rope

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Tuesday 19DEC17

A) Prep (10) B) Strength (20m) Sled pull (grip priority) 10/10 forward lunges 10 heavy swings C) Intervals (10) 2x5x30/30 Over shoulders Thruster ball toss

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Monday 18DEC17

A) Prep (10) B) Strength I (12) Get-ups, 5×1+1 C) Strength II (15) 5×12 Military/Push Press 5×20 Lat Pulls D) IRMLID1a (10) 5 RFT 20

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