5 Minute Flow – Focus on wrists, neck, hamstrings, glutes, and shoulders
2 Rounds:
- 15 Zombie Squats
- 2 Wall Slides
- 10/10 Single-leg Deadlift
- 30s Crow Stand
- 30s is the target. If you can’t get 30s, go for as long as you can while keeping good form.
- 10/10 Candlestick Bridges – Squeeze glutes and hamstrings at the top
- 15 Pike Push-ups
- 5 Natural Glute Ham Raise (Hip Extensions)
- Someone can hold your feet, you can put them under a couch, or you can put your feet against a wall and grip the wall with your toes.
12m Grind
- 20 Step-ups
- 20 Glute Bridges
- 20 Lateral Jumps
4 Rounds:
- Standing Founder 20/20
- 30s L-sit OR Tuck Hold (between a pair of chairs, etc.)
- 20 Dead Bugs