- 5m Flow
- 2 x 60′ Crawl
- 50 Flutter Kicks, Sball hold for pecs
- Pulsing VMO Split Squats, 50/side
- 5/5 Haloes
- Sadist Circles
Monday & Tuesday
Prehab EST10m
- 2 Rounds
- 20 Pullaparts & 10 Pullovers
- 10/10 Lateral Monster Steps
- 10 Tempo Band Squats
Endurance GRIND30
- Athletes can choose: EITHER LDSB or DBs or KBs
- 8 Clean & Press
- 8 Step-Ups
- 60′ Overhead Carry
Wednesday & Thursday
Strength RFQ18
- 12 x 1 Curl + 1 Row (Pair of DBs)
- 8/8 Single-Leg Step-Ups
- 8/8 Goblet Split Squats
Multiple AMRAPs EST18
- 4x4m + 1m Rest
- 10 Squats (Goblet or HDSB)
- 50 Rope Jumps
Ab Iso
- 3x2x45/15
- Hollow
- Plank
Strength CAP25
- 6 Rounds
- 15/15 Zane Rows
- 2x 90′ Cross-Carry (OH/Farmer’s)
- 8/8 Sball Deadbugs
- Remaining Time, Min 8m
- Max Effort HDSB Carry
- CAP10, one LDSB
- 10 Thrusters
- 15 Clean and Press
- 20 Bearhug Squats
- 15 Clean and Press
- 10 Thrusters