A) Prep
- 2m Flow, 2m Crawl, then
- 3 rounds of 5 goblet squats, 10 loaded deadbugs, 1/1 windmill
B) 20m RFQ
- 10/10 banded lateral steps and 10 banded squats
- 10/10 split squats
- 5/5 rolling 45s
Climbers’ Option – 20m RFQ
- 10/10 band lat activation
- 80% TRX Lockoff Hold (Max 30s)
C) Partner Races (FOR TIME)
- 8/5/3/2/1 of Sandbag Squats, Sandbag Clean and Press, Sandbag Snatches
- First partner completes assigned reps of all three exercises, then second partner completes same rep count of all three exercises
D) Wrap Up
- 10 rounds, 30s/10s flow/play