Push, Hinge, Ground Work; Strength, Anaerobic, Ab Isolation
A) Prep (20)
- Flow and PVC pulses/rotations
- 3 rounds
- 10+1 swing and squat
- 3/3 bottoms up presses
- 30′ crawl
B) Strength RFQ20
- 8/8 single-leg deadlifts
- 3/3 half-kneeling presses
- 20 hollow-body rocks
C) Intervals (16)
- 4×8/20/10/30
- Snatches
- Sandbag cleans
- Jump lunges
- Push-ups
D) Ab Isolation (9)
- 3×3; 30/15
- Plank
- Left plank
- Right plank