These “Recovery” sessions are designed for use when you’re not feeling 100%, and need to scale back from the day’s workout. This could be when you’re not feeling great, or you’ve been unable to fully recover from a past session, or from a day out at play. For all of these agendas, you’ll complete some or all of the whole-group bodyweight prep work; you’ll also select weights that are appropriate for how you’re feeling – if you’re unsure, go light.
R1 (Recovery One)
A: 15m, Rounds for Quality (RFQ)
- 10/10 banded lat stretch/retraction
- 3/3 tall kneeling haloes
- 60′ developmental crawl
B: 20m RFG
- 10 2h swings (light)
- 5 goblet squats (light)
- 10 scap pullups (use band if necessary)
- 10 bridge dumbbell floor press
C: Complete:
- 3m continuous unloaded get-ups
- 2m side in knee-down twist/bretzel
A: 20m RFQ
- 1m goblet squat hold
- 1/1 get-up (light/shoe)
B: 15m RFQ
- 1/1 arm bar
- 20 deadbugs (no load)
- 20 step-ups (12″-16″)
C: 15m RFQ
- 10/10 active straight leg raise
- 30s plank hold
- 1/1 kettlebell windmill
A: 20m RFQ
- 10 2h swings and 1 goblet squat (light)
- 5 bridges (5 count hold each rep)
- 3/3 tall kneeling mace presses
B: 15m RFQ
- 1 pullup (use band if necessary, focus on quality)
- 5/5 bent-over mace rows
- 10/10 mace front pendulums
C: 15m RFQ
- 60′ crawl (athlete’s choice)
- 20 kneeling rocks
- 60′ farmers carry