Pushing and Pulling v1.0

Context: This is a 6-week program, broken into two phases of three weeks each, and intended to be executed three times per week. The goal of this program is to strengthen and build endurance in the arms, back, and shoulders. Each day’s programming will take 20 minutes, and will be executed during the Independent Study blocks of Strength and Conditioning classes.

Day 1:

Warm-up (4 minutes)

2 Rounds: 30′ Bear Crawl; 30′ Crab Crawl; 4x 5 Pullovers and 10 Pullaparts

RFQ12 (12 minutes)

  • 3-8 Pull-ups (scale as necessary)
  • 5+5 Incline Bench Dumbbell Seesaw Presses (Rest in top position)
  • 60′ Plate Pinch Carry

Finisher (4 minutes)

  • Shoulder Blasters, 15-30s rest between
    • 10x Forward Arm Raise, thumbs up
    • 10x Forward Arm Raise, thumbs down
    • 10x Forward Arm Raise, thumbs up on the way up, thumb down on the way down
    • 10x Lateral Arm Raise, thumbs up
    • 10x Lateral Arm Raise, thumbs down
    • 10x Lateral Arm Raise, thumbs up on the way up, thumb down on the way down
    • 10x Lateral Arm Raise to cross overhead, thumbs up
    • 10x Shoulder Press

Day 2:

Warm-up (4 minutes)

2 Rounds: 30′ Bear Crawl; 30′ Crab Crawl; 4x 5 Pullovers and 10 Pullaparts

RFQ12 (12 minutes)

  • 5+5 Seesaw Military Presses
  • 8+8 Flat Rows (Bench or Box)
  • 30s Hollow Hang

Finisher (AMRAP 4 minutes)

  • 120′ Farmers Carry

Day 3:

Warm-up (4 minutes)

2 Rounds: 30′ Bear Crawl; 30′ Crab Crawl; 4x 5 Pullovers and 10 Pullaparts

RFQ12 (12 minutes)

  • 10 TRX Rows (Scale as appropriate)
  • 10 Double Z-Presses
  • 10+10 Hammer Curls (Alternating)

Finisher (AMRAP 4 minutes)

  • 30s Bat Wing Holds

