- 5m Flow and Crawl
- 3 Rounds
- 10 Swings and 5 Squats
- 3/3 Haloes
- Mobility (Wrist, Hip, Shoulder)
Monday and Tuesday
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of
- Down and Ups
- SB Step-Ups
12m Time Cap
Tuesday Pure Conditioning: Add prehab work before conditioning, and Tabatas of plank and hollow hold (alternating) after.
GRIND15 of:
- 5/5 Kneeling SB Keg Lifts
- Kneeling Founder 20/20
- 5/5 Standing Slasher-to-Halo
- Standing Founder 20/20
2m Rest, then:
8m Cook Drill
Thursday and Friday
- 15 Goblet Squats
- 30 Alternating Rear Lunges
- 20 Ball Slams