The week’s warm-up:
- 6-point rocking with head movement
- Bear-plank cycles
- 4-point breathing hold
- Oblique opener (we’re regressing to this)
- Low lunge crawl with rotations
- Low frog
- Leopard
- High frog
2 Rounds
- 10 Swings and 5 Squats
- 5+5 Haloes
Monday: “Just the Worst”
AMRAP15 of 5 Down and Ups and 5 Step-Ups with bag; rest 15s less than your work period from the first round
Tuesday: Carries and Runs
4xAMRAP4+1 of 120′ Farmers Carry, 30′ Sprint, 120′ Heavy Bag Carry, 30′ Sprint
Coaches’ Note: Alternate starting carry at the top of each AMRAP.
Wednesday: Tabatas
4x8x20/10/30 of a) Sandbag Squats, b) Overhead Plate Walking Lunges, c) Ball Slams, d) Hollow Hold
Thursday: Lab Rat Day
Friday: Lactate Endurance Intervals
2x4x45s/2:15 of a) Row, b) Ski, c) D&U, d) C&P
Coaches’ Notes: Athletes must go at 100%; the goal is to redline. This is 24m of work; trim independent study time as necessary.