Push, Squat, Ground Work; Strength, Work Capacity, Ab Isolation
A) Prep (12)
- Crawl
- 3 Rounds
- 20s/20s haloes
- 30s goblet squat hold
- 30s side lunges
B) Strength 15m
- Complex, Single KB
- Left/Right/2m Rest
- 3 Reps
- 1 Standing Military Press
- KB Overhead, Down to Half Kneeling
- 1 Half Kneeling Military Press
- KB Racked, Up to Standing
C) Work Capacity AMRAP20
- 2 Down&Ups
- 60′ Fast Crawl (Athlete’s Choice)
- 60s Rest
D) Ab Isolation
- 3x2x45/15
- HK Deadbugs
- Plank Pulls