Pull, Hinge, Ground Work; Strength, Endurance, Ab Isolation
A) Prep (15)
- Flow and walking lunges
- PVC pulses and rotations
- 2-3 rounds of
- 3/3 haloes
- 3 prying goblet squats
- 3 bridge holds
B) Strength RFQ15
- 10 KB swings
- 3/3 rolling 45s (KB get-up to high-sit)
- 30 band pull aparts
C) Endurance AMRAP20
- Teams of two
- WORK: 5 Sandbag clean and press
- REST: Farmer’s carry
D) Ab Isolation (5)
- 2x3x30/10
- HK deadbugs
- Russian twists
- Pike-ups