Strength: Hinge, Carry; Work Capacity
A) Prep
- 5m Flow and Crawl
- Sadist Circles
- 3 Rounds of:
- 10 Swings and 1 Squat
- 10 Banded Hinges
- 5/5 Haloes
B) Strength RFQ15
- 8 2KB Deadlift
- 60′ Double Overhead Carry
- 60′ Plate Pinch Carry
C) Work Capacity
- Death By…Down and Ups
- Minute 1: 1 rep
- Minute 2: 2 reps
- Continue until unable to complete next set in allotted time
REST5m, starting after last athlete completes C
- Death By…Clean and Press
- Minute 1: 1 rep
- Minute 2: 2 reps
- Continue until unable to complete next set in allotted time