PowderStrong, Phase 2, Week 5

PREP (15m)
5m Flow
2 x 60′ Crawl (Twisted Lizard, Monkey)
3 Rounds of: 30s Monster Dance, 30s Floating Table, 2x20s Table Glute/Ham Raise
Partners: I-go/You-go race to 50 ball slams

DAY 1 and DAY 2

Coach’s note: participants will complete the same workout on both days this week, with changes in T-J-T interval timing. This will allow for additional exposure to the belt squat endurance work, plus efficiency with equipment set-up.

I. Strength 1, RFQ16

  • 25 Belt Squats
  • 10 2xDB Clean and Press
  • 20 SBall Deadbugs

II. Strength 2, RFQ16

  • 180′ Farmers Carry
  • 8/8 Unilateral Hinge Rows
  • 20 Plank Pulls

Coach’s note: break participants into 2, 3, or 4 pods. Two pods can work belt squats simultaneously.

III. Touch-Jump-Touch Intervals 18m + 2m Brief

Day 1: 18 x 15/45
Day 2: 18 x 20/40

Coach’s note: Break participants into 2 or 3 sections, and structure timer accordingly. For Day 1, 2 groups: 36 x 15/15. For Day 1, 3 groups: 48 x 15/5. For Day 2, 2 groups: 36×20/10. For Day 2, 3 groups, 48×20/3 (technically, becomes 18×20/46).
Options: 12″, 14″, or 16″ boxes; 1/2/3 45# plates (if going to box) or lateral shuffle.

IV. Ab Isolation

3x2x45/15; Coach’s choice of two exercises